Chicago Fire Wiki

When Tortoises Fly is the eighth episode of the fourth season and the 77th overall episode of Chicago Fire.


Patterson questions Boden's ability to lead the firehouse as the trial approaches; Brett and Chili find an unconscious man in a garden; Otis tries to fill his social calendar.


Donna confronts Serena as she tries to move out of her airbnb.

Chili is late for shift and receives her first strike from chief. Boden has a short temper and shouts at everyone during the shift.

On a call to rescue an injured car crash victim the Truck crew end up fostering a large Tortoise.

Steve Kot from the Attorney’s Office pays Chief Boden a visit. He lets Boden know that he will be unable to testify in the Maddox case because of Boden’s pending aggravated battery charges. Steve tells Boden if he doesn’t clear up the charges he will be useless as a witness.

Donna calls the station stating it’s an emergency. When Wallace gets home he sees Wheeler coordinating a search at his home. Boden pleads with Wheeler that he is being set up by Roger Maddox. Wheeler tells Boden that Serena is MIA and Boden and his wife were the last people to be seen with her.

Back at the firehouse, Boden speaks with Dawson, Casey, Severide and Patterson about being set up and finding a link between Serena and Maddox. Dawson says she will speak with Antonio. Patterson says he will speak with Riddle because he thinks CFD should have his back. Severide offers to reach out to Jaime.

Freddie names the tortoise Leonardo. Patterson talks to Cruz about Freddie becoming too comfortable at the firehouse.

Severide pays a visit to Jaime. He asks her to find out information about Serena Holmes. Jaime says it would be a big breech of ethics and she won’t do it. Kelly calls her a hypocrite and walks out.

Otis speaks to Dawson about asking Brett on another date. She encourages him to go for it.

Just as Otis is about to ask Brett out, the car crash victim walks into the firehouse with Brett’s favorite flowers. Brett thanks him for the flowers as an emergency call comes through. He asks her on a date but she rushes off to the emergency.

Brett and Chili find the next victim unconscious in a corn field. When they return from the call Brett asks Chili about Boden but Chili deflects and asks about the “hot victim with the daisies.” Chili says she gets player vibes from him and she’s unsure. Chili tells her to give him a chance anyway.

Jimmy pays Chili a visit at home. He finds her inebriated and her home a little untidy. He tells her he is concerned about her but she says she is fine and tries to sleep with him. Jimmy is initially hesitant but Chili convinces him to continue.

Severide and Casey talk about Jaime. Kelly tells Matt that he thought Jaime got a kick out of him not getting his rank back. Matt tells him he doubts it as he got the impression she really liked him .

Donna finds herself ostracized from the mother and baby circles she usually attends because of the backlash of Boden's situation. She tells Boden she doesn’t know how much longer she can do this.

Boden marches into Maddox’s office to tell him to stop the trouble with Serena. Maddox makes a slick comment about there being trouble at the chiefs home. Boden threatens Maddox and leaves his office.

Antonio chastises Boden for going to see Maddox. Serena’s disappearance makes things a lot worse. He advises the chief to keep it together and stop making things worse. Dawson and Casey tell Boden they have no leads.

Brett and Chili discover that the owner of the tortoise is the diabetic patient that was comatose in the cornfield.

Patterson advises the chief to take some furlough. Boden realizes that Patterson is coming for his job and tells him he knows he is playing both sides.

At the next call Truck 81 and Squad 3 find a peeping Tom trapped in the air ducts. The man gets stuck on a screw and after Casey releases it he makes a run for it causing the ducts to collapse on the fire crew. He escapes through the roof and almost gets away before Severide chases him and tackles him to the ground where he is arrested.

Back at the firehouse the wife and son of the diabetic victim come to claim the tortoise who is actually called Donatello and not Leonardo, like the crew had been calling him all this time.

At Mollys, Casey tells Dawson they’ve never been on a weekend away together and he wants to surprise her. Severide makes the front page for his earlier tackle, Patterson tells Severide he will make a recommendation. Wheeler arrests Boden and marches him out of the bar in front of all his men.


Main Cast

Recurring Cast

Guest Cast

Notes and Trivia

  • The tortoise was believed to be named Michelangelo, but its owner revealed it to be Donatello, revealing that it was named after one of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.
  • Hermann is the one to say the title in this episode.