Chicago Fire Wiki

Jack Nesbitt is an ex-CFD firefighter-turned-club owner and founder of the strip club, Stiletto's. He hired Matthew Casey to do construction for his club expansion. He is known to work with Bulgarian gangsters who smuggle Eastern European women against their will for prostitution. He soon learned that Casey was working as an informant for Detective Hank Voight of the Chicago Police Department and that Katya Antov was writing down information about the smugglers. Jack is later arrested but not before the beating Casey inflicted on him. He is later discovered to be an FBI informant. When Casey found Katya's notebook, Nesbitt cornered him and drew a gun on him demanding the evidence. He was immediately taken into custody by the CPD and the FBI.


Season 3
Always Wow Me Just Drive the Truck Apologies Are Dangerous The Nuclear Option
Madmen and Fools Nobody Touches Anything Chopper Arrest in Transit Santa Bites
Let Him Die Ambush Predator Three Bells Call It Paradise Headlong Toward Disaster
Red Rag the Bull Forgive You Anything Forgiving, Relentless, Unconditional I Am the Apocalypse You Know Where to Find Me
We Called Her Jellybean Category 5 Spartacus

Season 4
Let It Burn A Taste of Panama City I Walk Away Your Day Is Coming Regarding This Wedding
2112 Sharp Elbows When Tortoises Fly Short and Fat The Beating Heart
The Path of Destruction Not Everyone Makes It The Sky Is Falling All Hard Parts Bad For the Soul
Two Ts What Happened to Courtney On the Warpath I Will Be Walking The Last One for Mom
Kind of a Crazy Idea Where the Collapse Started Superhero