Chicago Fire Wiki

I Walk Away is the third episode of the fourth season and the 72nd overall episode of Chicago Fire.


When new evidence appears in the Internal Affairs investigation that will clear Chief Boden, a twist puts him right back in the thick of it; Brett and Chili try to save a stabbing victim from bleeding to death.


Brett and Chili are called back to the hospital by the nurse. She states that she thought they would like to see this revealing their favorite patient has a visitor. The two look in the ICU, where the father of the baby is seen holding his newborn son. The father is shown overjoyed, before taking notice of the smiling paramedics and thanking them for this.

That night at Molly's, Brett approaches her Chief and she tells him about the baby being placed in the custody of his father and how he has a name. Celebrations go through the bar.


Main Cast[]

Recurring Cast[]

Guest Cast[]

Notes and Trivia[]

  • The father of the baby Brett saved visits his son and takes him home. Brett also reveals that the baby got a name Alex.