Gregory Casey (born in 1944) is the late father of Matthew Casey and Christie Casey, and late husband of Nancy Casey. He is also the grandfather of Violet Jordan.
Quick Answers
Who murdered Gregory Casey and why?
Nancy Casey, the wife of Gregory Casey, was responsible for his murder. She served a prison sentence from 1998 to 2013 for this crime. The motive behind the murder was the abuse that Gregory inflicted on Nancy during their son Matt's childhood. Nancy used a key left out by Matt to enter Gregory's home and shot him.
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What was the impact of Gregory Casey's death on his children?
The death of Gregory Casey, father of Matthew and Christie Casey, deeply affected his children. His wife and their mother, Nancy Casey, was convicted for his murder and served a 15-year sentence from 1998 to 2013. This led to Christie harboring resentment towards her mother for the duration of her imprisonment.
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How did the relationship between Matthew and Christie Casey change after their father's death?
Matthew and Christie Casey initially grew apart following their father Gregory Casey's demise. They eventually reconciled and strengthened their bond. Christie also forgave their mother, mending their strained relationship. She reappears in Season 9 to discuss their uncle Jake's death and the inheritance of a valuable watch, causing a discussion between the siblings about its future.
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When Matt was young, his father abused Nancy up until she finally snapped. Nancy murdered Gregory in November 1997. It is believed Matt was around 16-17 when his father was murdered. As a result Nancy was put in prison for her crimes. Her children subsequently became estranged from her and each other for years. Gregory's death and its circumstances were the reason Christie and Matt cut all ties for about 15 years and Matt therefore missed most of Violet's childhood.

Gregory's grave as seen in 1x08
Notes and Trivia[]
- He's a Chicago Blackhawks fan.