Evan Hawkins was a Paramedic Field Chief in the Chicago Fire Department, previously in charge of EMS District 7 before being transferred in 2022. Little is known about his early life or career, except that his dad was also a Paramedic Field Chief, and his dad knew Randall McHolland from childhood. He was the officer that enabled Paramedicine's existence and he managed to get Brett an old vehicle for it. He gave Violet a medal after he witnessed her saving a newborn baby while on a ride-along. In Show of Force, he shares a kiss with Violet Mikami at the CFD Gala. In Fire Cop, they officially started their relationship.
Quick Answers
What led to Evan Hawkins' transfer in the Chicago Fire Department in 2022?
What heroic act did Evan Hawkins witness Violet perform?
What happened to Evan Hawkins on the show 'Chicago Fire'?
Evan Hawkins is introduced as the new Paramedic Field Chief in Head Count, where he reprimands Brett and Herrmann for breaking protocol.
He is seen in Counting your breaths when he rejects Brett's paramedicine program, however he reconsiders it after some encouragement from Mouch.
In The Right Thing, Hawkins rides along with 61 to get a better idea of Sylvie's program. He later donates an ambulance to the program.
In What Happened at Whiskey Point, Hawkins goes to firehouse 51 to question Violet about a complaint made against her. While talking to her, she collapses and he locates the pain in her right side, realizing her appendix had burst. He goes with her to the hospital, and checks in on her while she's recovering.
When Sylvie's program is being heard to become permanent in Winterfest, Hawkins helps present to the board how good the program is, with Violet thanking him, as he says to her that her participation in the program wasn't lost on him.
In Back with a Bang, he and Violet are at a call with a potassium fire, with Violet explaining why they can't use regular extinguishers on it. He is later a floater on 61 with her, and they are called out to save a newborn. He later compliments Violet, saying that she is a great medic and a lot of fun to be with.
Violet later receives an award from him in Fog of War, however she isn't sure she deserves it and asks him if he gave it to her because of his feelings. He says that it didn't interfere with his judgment, but also suggests they keep some distance, with her agreeing.
Hawkins attends the gala in Show of Force, where he sees Violet and she kisses him.
It is revealed in Fire Cop that they spent the night together, however Violet thinks that this could be trouble for both of them. He messages her later saying it is Good trouble. Later in the episode she visits him in his office, where she says that she doesn't care about the frowning people will give them about their relationship, and she kisses him, saying they should make plans later.
In An Officer with Grit, Hawkins sees Violet and Brett at Chicago Med, where Violet tells him about the ambo having heater troubles. He then puts in a request for ambo 61 to jump the queue to get a heater installed, causing a slight conflict between Violet and Brett, who believes this will only cause issues due to favoritism. Violet later tells Evan to not give her special treatment, to which he agrees and they spend the night together.
He is a temporary partner for Violet again in Hot and Fast when Brett leaves for Portland. This causes some drama between him and Gallo, who is still jealous of his relationship with Violet. He and Violet take care of 3 immigrant boys from a house fire, and are later called to a Nitrogen leak at a spa. He compliments Violet on her chemistry facts, stating it's very attractive. They then kiss beside the ambulance, until another paramedic walks past. Hawkins assures Violet they weren't seen. After their shift, they go back to his house and spend the night together, until he receives a call from the Deputy Chief Paramedic, requesting his presence in his office the next day. It was revealed the paramedic saw Violet kiss him, and figured out why Ambulance 61 jumped the queue for a new heater.
In Keep You Safe, he is later reprimanded and given a verbal warning for his previous favoritism toward Violet. On a major call, she avoids him and he hesitates whether or not he should check on her after losing a victim. He warns Violet that his and possibly her action going forward could be monitored, so he says they need some time apart, a hard decision for both of them. He later goes to her place again, saying that when he is away from her, he really misses her, with her replying that maybe they're not meant to be apart. They kiss and get back together.
In Finish What You Started, Hawkins responds to a major call where a jet engine landed on a school, and he sets up triage. Later in the episode Violet mentions that he is in Milwaukee for a conference. At the end of the episode he is with Violet in her apartment, as she pleads with him to change her partner. He says that he can't get involved, and she blames their relationship for him being unable to help. She then accidentally says that he made her fall in love with him, to which he replies that he feels the same way. She says that the situation is a total disaster, and he reminds her that she is a great medic and isn't going anywhere.
Hawkins is seen on a date with Violet in Halfway to the Moon , where she mentions that she goes to the Japanese restaurant whenever her dad visits her. He then apologizes for not being able to intervene with her issue involving her partner Emma Jacobs, but says that now the CFD Brass aren't hovering over their heads as much, and they may be able to act like a normal couple soon. At the end of the episode, Hawkins is approached by Jacobs who accuses Violet of not restocking the nebuliser, nearly resulting in the loss of a patient. Hawkins questions her accusation, to which Emma replies that he doubts this because he is sleeping with her. He tells her that it is none of her business, but she blackmails him saying that if he doesn't transfer Violet out and give her the open position on 61, she will lodge a complaint and get her fired, and if Hawkins tries to intervene she will get witnesses involved.
In Last Chance, Evan informs Violet of Emma's plan, but reassures her that he will fight for her, even risk his career if hers is jeopardized. Later on, Gallo goes to see him to ask what he's doing about the blackmail situation. Hawkins is hesitant at first, however explains that he was planning to see Emma's old battalion chief, as there were suspicious changes to her personnel file. He planned to drive up there, however was worried that the brass would question it. Gallo offered to go, which Hawkins allowed. After Gallo's unsuccessful visit, they try to come up with a plan to protect Violet. Emma approaches Hawkins yet again and continues to pressure him to transfer her, saying he has to do it by next shift.
In The Magnificent City of Chicago, Evan tries to reassure Violet that it will not be her last shift at 51, and he will try everything to keep her on Ambo 61. Violet starts to doubt him however, and cuts him off. He later approaches DC Hill and pleaded for her to help him defend Violet against Emma, however she stated that she didn't owe him any favors. He tried to negotiate, even allowing him to be transferred, demoted or forced to resign. In the building fire call during the episode, Emma runs out of the burning building, leaving Violet to help the woman deliver her child. Hawkins is furious at her for leaving her partner, and once everyone is safe he confronts her, saying that he doesn't care what she does to him or his relationship, she isn't cut out for 51. He then tells her to pack her things at the end of shift, effectively kicking her out of the firehouse.
It is revealed in Hold On Tight that he was transferred out of his district due to the fallout of the Emma Jacobs situation, and is now commanding a district near Indiana. He briefly speaks with Gallo where it is revealed that he and Violet have not spoken since Jacobs' firing. Later on in the episode Violet waits for him at his apartment, and they reconnect after the issues that had recently happened. He reveals to her that he does not want to stop the transfer, as they are able to be a public couple now that there is no conflict of interest. They are later seen at Molly's together.
In Every Scar tells a story, Evan and Violet planned a trip to Lake Geneva together, however he is forced to postpone for a conference. Violet later shows up at his hotel and they spend some time together.
In Completely Shattered, Sylvie arranges for Violet and Evan to spend some time together as it is his last shift in their district. He offers to help set Sylvie up with someone, however she declines as she is still dealing with her breakup with Casey. At the end of the episode Hawkins is present performing triage at a theatre fire. As the building is evacuated Evan sees a victim and approaches them to help, until the building collapses onto them. Firehouse 51 work to free them, as Violet attempts to resuscitate Hawkins, she is pulled away by Boden so that Hawkins can be transferred to a backboard.
In The Center of the Universe, it is revealed that Hawkins died at the Pickwick Theatre Fire and victim he saved, Gabriel Hammond, would survive.
Evan Hawkins had a professional and serious personality in the first few episodes that he appeared in, with most of his judgments being based off the CFD guidelines and bureaucracy. However, he was later seen hiding personal feelings for Violet, acting more shy around her and complimenting her. In the later episodes, he was seen joking around with her, also showing less concern of their relationship impacting their work. However, he also wanted to keep it professional after the verbal warning he was given, trying to protect his and Violet's careers by keeping distant. He soon realizes that he wants to be with her regardless. He tended to be very fair and supportive, particularly when Violet is being forced out of 51 by her new partner. He was shown to be close with Sylvie in the last few episodes leading up to his death.
Season 10 | ||||
Mayday | Head Count | Counting Your Breaths | The Right Thing | Two Hundred |
Dead Zone | Whom Shall I Fear? | What Happened at Whiskey Point? | Winterfest | Back with a Bang |
Fog of War | Show of Force | Fire Cop | An Officer With Grit | The Missing Piece |
Hot and Fast | Keep You Safe | What's Inside You | Finish What You Started | Halfway to the Moon |
Last Chance | The Magnificent City of Chicago |
Season 11 | ||||
Hold On Tight | Every Scar Tells a Story | Completely Shattered | The Center of the Universe | Haunted House |
All-Out Mystery | Angry Is Easier | A Beautiful Life | Nemesis | Something for the Pain |
A Guy I Used to Know | How Does It End? | The Man of the Moment | Run Like Hell | Damage Control |
Acting Up | The First Symptom | Danger Is All Around | Take a Shot at the King | Never, Ever Make a Mistake |
Change of Plans | Red Waterfall |