Chicago Fire Wiki

Double Red is the ninth episode of the ninth season and the 188th overall episode of Chicago Fire.


Mouch, Gallo, Ritter and Mackey report for training. A nasty blow to the head brings Casey unimaginable pain.


Main Cast[]

Recurring Cast[]

Guest Cast[]

Notes and Trivia[]

  • Final regular appearance for Gianna Mackey.
  • Violet Mikami returns.
  • The head injury Casey suffered from in Season 2 is acting up again after his accident.
  • Christie Casey returns in this episode.
  • Casey had an Uncle Jake who died.
  • This is the last episode featuring Gianna Mackey.
  • Brett ends up getting a malicious cat called Veronicat.
  • Boden says half of a quote used in the Monopoly game: "Do no pass go and to proceed directly to my office."

