Chicago Fire Wiki

Derrick Gibson was a firefighter on Truck 81 for the CFD.


He was a firefighter previously floating on Truck 46. He was stationed at Firehouse 51 as a team member of Truck 81, in place of Gallo. He was first seen responding to a fire at a bike store that Firehouse 51 responded to. Before his career as a firefighter for the Chicago Fire Department, he was an amateur boxer and a recipient of the Golden Gloves Award. He has tried to keep his past private from the rest of 51 until Sam Carver dug into his personal life. He later came clean about killing an opponent during a boxing match, which was why he left the sport in the first place. Overtime, he has shown signs of addiction to medication and revealed it in his workplace. He eventually decided to depart from Firehouse 51.

Trivia and Notes[]

  • He is born and raised in the neighborhood of Garfield Park, Chicago. He has been on the job for just over 2 and a half years. (Trapped)


Season 12
Barely Gone Call Me McHolland Trapped The Little Things On the Hook
Port in the Storm Red Flag All the Dark Something About Her The Wrong Guy
Inside Man Under Pressure Never Say Goodbye