Chicago Fire Wiki

Colin Becks is a former Alderman in the 52nd Ward of the Chicago area until he lost his re-election to Matthew Casey.


He was a dirty politician and crook, before that, he was a lawyer running his own law firm. After a tornado devastated a neighborhood, leaving many homeless, he requested Lieutenant Casey to appear at a fundraiser in order to make the $50,000 goal to keep a shelter open. After reaching the goal, he announced the shelter would still be closed. Casey confronted him about the issue and demanded to know where the money went to, instead, Colin shrugged him off and refused to answer. He replaced the previous incumbent, Alderman Davis, and made nothing but empty promises, leaving a mess uncleaned in the process. When Casey announced his candidacy, Becks resorted to dirty tactics and smear campaigns against Lt. Casey, using a billboard consisting of Matthew's mother for starters, and had the backing of some wealthy folks who were considering backing Casey, but could not sway him to agree to a shady deal. They had a debate scheduled, but Casey missed the deadline due to responding to a 911 emergency rescue. While Becks ripped on Casey for failing to appear at a debate, the news reported on Casey with images of him saving a victim during that time, bolstering his poll numbers. Becks was later unseated.
