Chicago Fire Wiki

A White-Knuckle Panic is the fifteenth episode of the ninth season and the 194th overall episode of Chicago Fire.


Severide and Casey try to find the best fit for Kidd. Ritter, Gallo and Violet help plan an event for Mouch.


Main Cast[]

Recurring Cast[]

Guest Cast[]

Notes and Trivia[]

  • Brett reveals that she misses Veronicat.
  • Gabby calls the firehouse.
  • Cruz brings up his business ventures.
  • This is the first time Violet interacts with Trudy Platt.
  • Severide proposes to Stella.
  • This is the only episode of season 9 that featured Tuesday.
  • Casey tells Brett he's in love with her.
  • Mark Newcomb, the venture capitalist, is the one to say the title of the episode.

